Who is Jalal Sherazi?

The story of Architect Jalal sherazi, from an ordinary person to a Speaker of the House  of one of the leading youth Platform in Pakistan and member of the Provincial Youth Assembly (PYA).Central Coordinator Reham khan foundation. His sheer dedication in working towards the achievement of his goals and his determination to keep moving ahead in spite of hurdles and adversities made him what he is today. He began his primary education in his hometown (Hangu), Pakistan and is basically from Orakazai Agency FATA. He completed his Matric in 2011 from Uswa College Islamabad. He completed his FSC in 2013 from Islamia College Peshawar .BS Architecture from University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Abbottabad Campus. His struggle has to be channeled into the nature of life, and a man could only be called a hero if he lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing his valuable goals. The circumstances of his upbringing were not so promising yet his ambitions were as high as the sky. When he was 5 years old his town was attacked by some of the extremists and their houses were looted. After that incident he faced a big financial problem and he decided to leave school and start working, then his father helped him a lot in his schooling and During his school life he started extracurricular activities and started his social life from the 2005 Earthquake in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan when he was just 09, and then helped in back to back catastrophes/disasters in Balochistan, Pakistan Earthquake in 2005 and Khyber pakhtunkhwa flood in 2010.  In 2011 he attended Youth Training programs and Youth leadership conferences and he has been given the opportunity to express autonomy and leadership skills to make positive community change. He has learned to be more professional than he thought he was capable and to provide moral and technical support for the youth. By working with youth and youth-related issues, he gained real life and field-work experience, and has co-learned with youth that everything that requires structural change is a process that requires time, hard work, dedication, and patience. He joined “Provincial youth Assembly in 2011”.It’s a platform for the “Youths” where they cannot only groom and enhance their interests and talents, but also can utilize them towards something productive for the betterment of our nation and country. Provincial youth assembly (PYA) provides an opportunity for young minds to learn about politics, democracy, social work and parliamentary system in the best learning environment. After joining this platform he has attended different sessions of PYA. He has worked on education, peace, child labor, youth leadership ethic. In 2014 he was awarded the best youth MPA award. He is also nominated for National peace award USA 2015 and also nominated for all Pakistan Peace Entrepreneur  Award 2015 .He is winner of Best social Activist  Award 2015.He is winner of Youth achiever Award 2016 and also winning of all Pakistan peace Entrepreneur Award 2016. He has 5 years of work experience with various youth and socio-cultural organizations. These organizations are Madagar, Dost Welfare Foundation, Provincial Youth Assembly KP, The Center of Human Rights Education Pakistan, School of Leadership, The Society etc. He has worked in child education and career counseling. Apart from that he also has worked for Peace in his area Hangu which is the most affected area by terrorism. He has visited hospitals to see the victims of Army Public School attack. For the sake of peace many awareness sessions have been arranged and he protested strongly against terrorism along with his fellows. Education is important to build a nation strong, and he helped many students to get admissions in schools and fulfilled their basic requirements. He also visited special person’s school and distributed books among them. Moreover, he has arranged camps for IDPs and gathered donations for them. He says, “I myself believe that youth awareness trainings are very fruitful to make them a good person in society and I have given many interviews regarding this to the media.”According to Syed Muhammad Jalal Haider, he learned that the overall health of individuals is not solely based on the individual, but rather, it is influenced by many environmental factors, such as socioeconomic and policy conditions. Through Provincial youth assembly (PYA), he developed the appropriate skills to act for civic and social change to achieve safer and more positive communities for youth, the undeserved, and for everyone. PYA allowed him to express himself as a community leader, social and youth activist. I also owned a business of architect designing with name “Sherazi design studio”.

Author: jalalsherazi

The story of Architect Jalal sherazi, from an ordinary person to a Speaker of the House of one of the leading youth Platform in Pakistan and member of the Provincial Youth Assembly (PYA).Central Coordinator Reham khan foundation. His sheer dedication in working towards the achievement of his goals and his determination to keep moving ahead in spite of hurdles and adversities made him what he is today. He began his primary education in his hometown (Hangu), Pakistan and is basically from Orakazai Agency FATA. He completed his Matric in 2011 from Uswa College Islamabad. He completed his FSC in 2013 from Islamia College Peshawar. Now he is studying Architecture from University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Abbottabad Campus. His struggle has to be channeled into the nature of life, and a man could only be called a hero if he lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing his valuable goals. The circumstances of his upbringing were not so promising yet his ambitions were as high as the sky. When he was 5 years old his town was attacked by some of the extremists and their houses were looted. After that incident he faced a big financial problem and he decided to leave school and start working, then his father helped him a lot in his schooling and During his school life he started extracurricular activities and started his social life from the 2005 Earthquake in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan when he was just 09, and then helped in back to back catastrophes/disasters in Balochistan, Pakistan Earthquake in 2005 and Khyber pakhtunkhwa flood in 2010. In 2011 he attended Youth Training programs and Youth leadership conferences and he has been given the opportunity to express autonomy and leadership skills to make positive community change. He has learned to be more professional than he thought he was capable and to provide moral and technical support for the youth. By working with youth and youth-related issues, he gained real life and field-work experience, and has co-learned with youth that everything that requires structural change is a process that requires time, hard work, dedication, and patience. He joined “Provincial youth Assembly in 2011”.It's a platform for the "Youths" where they cannot only groom and enhance their interests and talents, but also can utilize them towards something productive for the betterment of our nation and country. Provincial youth assembly (PYA) provides an opportunity for young minds to learn about politics, democracy, social work and parliamentary system in the best learning environment. After joining this platform he has attended different sessions of PYA. He has worked on education, peace, child labor, youth leadership ethic. In 2014 he was awarded the best youth MPA award. He is also nominated for National peace award USA 2015 and also nominated for all Pakistan Peace Entrepreneur Award 2015 .He is winner of Best social Activist Award 2015.He is winner of Youth achiever Award 2016 and also winning of all Pakistan peace Entrepreneur Award 2016. He has 5 years of work experience with various youth and socio-cultural organizations. These organizations are Madagar, Dost Welfare Foundation, Provincial Youth Assembly KP, The Center of Human Rights Education Pakistan, School of Leadership, The Society etc. He has worked in child education and career counseling. Apart from that he also has worked for Peace in his area Hangu which is the most affected area by terrorism. He has visited hospitals to see the victims of Army Public School attack. For the sake of peace many awareness sessions have been arranged and he protested strongly against terrorism along with his fellows. Education is important to build a nation strong, and he helped many students to get admissions in schools and fulfilled their basic requirements. He also visited special person's school and distributed books among them. Moreover, he has arranged camps for IDPs and gathered donations for them. He says, “I myself believe that youth awareness trainings are very fruitful to make them a good person in society and I have given many interviews regarding this to the media.”According to Syed Muhammad Jalal Haider, he learned that the overall health of individuals is not solely based on the individual, but rather, it is influenced by many environmental factors, such as socioeconomic and policy conditions. Through Provincial youth assembly (PYA), he developed the appropriate skills to act for civic and social change to achieve safer and more positive communities for youth, the undeserved, and for everyone. PYA allowed him to express himself as a community leader, social and youth activist. I also owned a business of architect designing with name “Sherazi design studio”. Thanks

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